Frequently Asked Questions: FertiCultTM Mineral oil / FertiCultTM High Viscosity Oil

FAQ1: Is the peroxide value of the mineral oils tested?
Yes, each batch of FertiCultTM Mineral Oil/ FertiCultTM High Viscosity Oil is tested for peroxide value (POV) and values have to be below 0.06mEq/kg for the product to be released for sale.

FAQ2: Is FertiCultTM Mineral Oil/ FertiCultTM High Viscosity Oil a paraffin oil ?
FertiCultTM Mineral Oil/ FertiCultTM High Viscosity Oil is a pharmaceutical grade paraffin oil, that is pre-washed with pharmaceutical grade, ultrapure water. On top of the testing described in the European Pharmacopoeia, we perform extra and more stringent quality controls on the product (e.g. peroxide value test).

FAQ3: Is it normal that FertiCultTM Mineral Oil becomes turbid in the fridge?
This is normal. Turbidity disappears when FertiCultTM Mineral Oil is heated up again.

FAQ4: What are the storage conditions of FertiCultTM Mineral Oil?
Store between 15-25 °C. If this storage temperature can not be ensured, FertiCultTM Mineral Oil can alternatively be stored at 2-8 °C. Note that this might cause some turbidity which disappears when the oil is warmed up again.

FAQ4: What are the storage conditions of FertiCultTM High Viscosity Oil?
FertiCultTM High Viscosity Oil should be stored between 15-25°C protected from (sun)light. Direct exposure to UV light can severely abrogate the oil quality.

FAQ5: Should the whole bottle be prewarmed each time? How long can I use FertiCultTM Mineral Oil/ FertiCultTM High Viscosity Oil after opening the bottle?
We have performed in-use testing on FertiCultTM Mineral Oil/ FertiCultTM High Viscosity Oil which supports the use of the media up to 1 month, taking into consideration that the bottle was opened under sterile conditions and the product was stored at room temperature (or 2-8°C for FertiCult Mineral Oil). In addition and as indicated in the IFU it is advised to:

  • keep the product in its original container until the day of use and
  • depending on the number of procedures that will be performed on one day, remove the required volume of oil under aseptic conditions in an appropriate sterile recipient/culture dish. Only this recipient/dish should be prewarmed. This is in order to avoid multiple opening/warming cycles of the medium. Discard excess (unused) media.

FAQ7: What is the difference between glass and PETG bottles?
Only the packaging material is different. There is no difference in product specifications and stability between glass and PETG bottles.

FAQ8: Why is the oil washed?
FertiCultTM Mineral Oil / FertiCultTM High Viscosity Oil is washed in order to saturate the oil with water, to wash off possible hydrophilic residues/contaminants, and to reduce the amount of peroxides.

FAQ9: Water droplets are present in the mineral oil bottles.
Mineral oil is washed with ultrapure water before sterile filtration/filling. Occasionally, it can happen that some small droplets of ultrapure water remain in the oil and ingress into the bottles. Such droplets are typically separated from the oil. Although this might be inconvenient, there is no problem for safe use of the oil as long as these water droplets are not pipetted when preparing dishes.