Frequently Asked Questions: FertiCultTM Flushing medium

FAQ1: Does FertiCultTM Flushing medium contain phenol red?

The medium is available with and without phenol red. The following variants are available:

  • FertiCultTM Flushing medium
  • FertiCultTM Flushing medium with phenol red
  • FertiCultTM Flushing medium with phenol red and gentamicin

FAQ2: Do I have to add my own antibiotics to the FertiCultTM Flushing medium ?

No, we have product variants which contain 10 mg/l gentamicin.

FAQ3: Can I use FertiCultTM Flushing medium to wash sperm and do sperm swim-ups ?

Yes, FertiCultTM Flushing medium is intended for in vitro procedures with human gametes, including washing of sperm and sperm swim-up procedures. See instruction for use leaflet for a suggested procedure for washing and swim-up.

FAQ4: Can I use FertiCultTM Flushing medium as aspiration medium for an oocyte retrieval ?

No, we recommend to use FertiCultTM Aspiration medium (ready-to-use medium, which doesn’t require any additives). FertiCultTM Flushing medium contains human serum albumin which may cause an inconvenient foaming during the aspiration procedure.

FAQ5: Can I use FertiCultTM Flushing medium for ICSI ?

Yes, we recommend to prewarm the medium in an incubator (without CO2) or on a heating plate to ensure that the temperature of the medium is 37°C at use.

FAQ6: Should we pre-incubate FertiCultTM Flushing medium prior to use ?

FertiCultTM Flushing medium contains HEPES, the medium should not be placed in a CO2 incubator prior to use. Prewarming in an incubator or on a heating plate is required to ensure that the temperature of the medium is 37°C at use. Importantly, when placed in a CO2 incubator, make sure that the recipient with the medium is firmly closed! (When insufficiently closed, CO2 may lower the pH of the medium to 6.90-6.95).

FAQ7: Should the whole bottle be prewarmed? How long can I use FertiCultTM Flushing medium after opening the bottle?

We have performed in-use testing on FertiCultTM Flushing medium which supports the use of the media up to 7 days, taking into consideration that the bottle was opened under sterile conditions and the product was stored at 2-8°C after opening. In addition and as indicated in the IFU it is advised to:

  • keep the product in its original container until the day of use and
  • depending on the number of procedures that will be performed on one day, remove the required volume of medium under aseptic conditions in an appropriate sterile recipient. Only pre-warm sterile recipient. This is in order to avoid multiple opening/warming cycles of the medium. Discard excess (unused) media.

FAQ8: Is there a difference between FertiCultTM Flushing medium and Sperm Washing/Insemination medium?

No, both products are identical. When assembled in a Sil-Select PlusTM kit, the medium is named “Sil-Select PlusTM Sperm Washing/Insemination medium”.

FAQ9: Which volume of semen should be used for swim-up?

See instruction for use leaflet for a suggested procedure for swim-up. The volume of semen depends on the type of tube. We recommend the use of 15ml Falcon tubes, and layer 1.5ml FertiCultTM Flushing medium over 1ml of washed semen. This way the surface between both layers can be maximized, leading to better yields. If the semen sample has a higher volume, use more tubes or wash the semen before swim-up to resuspend in a lower volume. Also, if a lot of debris is present, more tubes are recommended.